Foods to Avoid for Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes causes inadequate glucose transport to the bodily cells. When the sugar is not reaching where it is supposed to reach, it eventually leads to increased blood sugar levels in the bloodstream and the long-term consequence of this is complications in major and minor organs in the body like nerve damage, kidney failure, and cardiovascular disease. Understanding what to eat, as well as which foods to avoid when you have type 2 diabetes can be tough.
Before we understand the nuances of foods that need to be avoided, here is some basic information to help you understand what to eat and what to avoid when you have type II diabetes:
1. Foods to eat
There is a large reference to avoiding foods that are high in glycemic load if one is a type 2 diabetic or is susceptible to being one. Glycemic index is a scientific term which is used to measure the effect of carbohydrates on the blood sugar. Fiber, fat, and protein content in the food determine the glycemic load. Many foods need to be avoided if one has type 2 diabetes.
2. Carbohydrates to eat and avoid
Carbohydrates are classified into complex carbohydrates and simple sugars. The former has a low glycemic load and is usually recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. It is commonly referred to as the low-carb diet plan and their additional nutrients including fiber, vitamins, and smaller amounts of protein and fats. Brown rice, quinoa, vegetables, lentils, etc., fall under this category. On the other hand, simple carbohydrates are the worst enemies of type 2 diabetics. They are certainly not part of the diet plan as they increase the blood sugar levels. They are processed foods and do not contain any kind of nutrient. For example:
- Sugar
- White pasta
- Flour
- Pastries and cookies
- Fruit juice
- Soft drinks
- White potatoes
- Canned foods
- Sweetened breakfast cereals
- Fruit flavored yogurt
In the medical community, experts just recommend avoiding anything that is ‘white’ in color.
3. Moderation is key
In addition to the above-mentioned foods, there is a general tendency to avoid foods that are rich in vitamins and other nutrients out of fear that it might increase blood sugar levels. Example: fruits. You would be making a grave mistake if you deprive yourself of essential minerals to the body. The key is moderation in eating and anything that you consume should be in small portions. Even if you have to consume white potatoes for a day, it is totally fine, but ensure that you restrict and be mindful of the quantity you consume.
4. Other foods to avoid
The only goal to start with should be to stay away from unhealthy fats, processed foods, grains, and liquid sugar. Universally, staying away from liquid sugars has helped type 2 diabetics to a large extent because when you consume solid food that is highly processed or contains a significant amount of trans fat – you can only eat to a certain extent. However, when it comes to liquid sugar – one’s capacity and frequency to consume tends to be high.
In addition to dietary changes, several lifestyle changes (i.e., daily exercise) and doctor-prescribed medications (i.e., Humalog Insulin Type 1 Diabetes and Trulicity) can help to manage type 2 diabetes symptoms. Trulicity Rx Discount Coupons can also be found online to help reduce prescription medication costs.