10 Natural Remedies for Eye Infections

10 Natural Remedies for Eye Infections

Eye infections such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, and endophthalmitis can be quite painful and also mentally exhausting, as they limit the way one goes about their daily life. Some of these infections if left untreated may develop into serious threats. Luckily for us, aside from medications, there are many home remedies or natural treatments for such eye infections that can help alleviate the symptoms.

Such home remedies may be able to treat quite a few of the main types of eye infections, but you should always consult a doctor to make sure these are safe and do not end up causing more harm than good for your vision. So, before using any natural cure, it is imperative to consult a professional as the condition can be more serious than you think.

10 natural remedies for eye infections

  • Saline water or saltwater can be one of the best home remedies for any eye infection as it is similar to teardrops in nature and can naturally cleanse the eye. Salt has antimicrobial properties and is capable of offering effective treatment for infections.
  • Teabags can be placed on the eyes when they are shut for relaxing them. This is a popular home remedy for eye infections as some tea bags also have anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows that chamomile and green tea have beneficial properties and these may be useful for treating eye infections.
  • A warm compress can help when the eyes are irritated, infected, and sore. It is particularly useful for curing blepharitis where eyelids become inflamed.
  • A cold compress does not cure the infection but eases the pain and discomfort; it can also bring down swelling caused by infections or eye injuries.
  • Essential oils such as peppermint oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary oil may be used for fighting infections of the eye as these have antimicrobial properties. However, you must never apply them on their own. Even when diluted you must not use them around the eyes because they can trigger a burning sensation. You must pour a little bit of essential oil into heated water and then inhale the steam to enjoy its benefits.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a bioactive compound with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help to alleviate eye infection symptoms. Turmeric should be added to a cup of boiled water and then cooled down. A sterilized washcloth can be dipped in this and used as a warm compress.
  • Lemon juice is good for allergic reactions that may trigger eye infections. The juice of the lemon has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it capable of fighting symptoms of eye infections.
  • When newborn babies get eye infections, breastmilk is often used for managing symptoms. The colostrum in breastmilk helps to fight neonatal infections like conjunctivitis.
  • Honey has been seen to have beneficial properties for treating eye infections, but more research needs to be done to establish this fact. Since honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, it could work as a good remedy for infections of the eye. For instance, in the case of dry eye, wherein tear ducts fail to produce enough fluid for lubrication, honey eye drops can work wonders.
  • Euphrasia can also be a potential treatment for eye infections, but more in-depth research will be required to make sure the claim is effective and safe.