4 Home Remedies to Treat Adult Acne
Natural Remedies

4 Home Remedies to Treat Adult Acne

It is quite common to use home or natural remedies to treat acne. After all, some herbal extracts have been used for hundreds of years. While home remedies to treat acne are effective, it is imperative to make some lifestyle modifications as well. Some effective home remedies to treat acne in adults are as follows: Do not touch your pimples Squeezing the skin around acne or even touching it might be tempting. It is a quick solution to get rid of the bump. However, it could increase the bacterial colony into the lesion and cause infections. The more you squeeze, the more you are facilitating the bacteria to move further into your skin. Buy the right cleanser Regular soaps that we use daily have high acidity or pH levels that could irritate the skin, which, in turn, makes the acne worse. Choose cleansing products that are close to 5.5 pH to reduce the flare-ups; it also helps in the healing process. You could also use jojoba oil for cleansing, as it can reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling around the pimples. Take a few drops of jojoba oil on a cotton pad and rub it gently over the acne sores. Try oil-free products Your body produces the necessary oils naturally.
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Erectile Dysfunction – An Overview and Suggested Lifestyle Changes
Natural Remedies

Erectile Dysfunction – An Overview and Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Erectile dysfunction can be classified into primary and secondary impotence. The primary causes of this condition are associated with low androgen levels, genetic defects, and severe psychopathology. On the other hand, the secondary causes are common and usually include diabetes, arteriosclerosis, neurological disorders, psychological issues, prolonged stress, or previous surgery to the genitalia. Blood pressure medications and antidepressants are also secondary causes of erectile dysfunction, especially among the elderly. Causes of erectile dysfunction and ways to deal with them People with erectile dysfunction hesitate to discuss their problems with physicians. However, a skilled and sensitive physician should identify this when talking to their patients and suggest corrective measures. The majority of erectile dysfunction cases are results of psychological causes, but the physical health of men is also an important factor for leading a healthy sexual life. Psychological and social conditions like stress, depression, and an unhappy marital relationship may also contribute to the problem. The physician must identify the reversible risk factors for erectile dysfunction, and lifestyle changes or natural remedies should be preceded or combined with the treatment for erectile dysfunction. They benefit individuals with erectile dysfunction and particularly people with specific comorbid cardiovascular or metabolic diseases like diabetes or hypertension.
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Gout-Friendly Recipes to Reduce Pain
Natural Remedies

Gout-Friendly Recipes to Reduce Pain

Gout is a type of arthritis that causes excess levels of uric acid in the body, which over time, form painful uric acid crystals in the joints (i.e., fingers, big toe, etc.). The goal of treatment for gout is to reduce uric acid levels, inflammation, and pain. Apart from medication, lifestyle changes, and home remedies, diet plays an important role in preventing gout and reducing uric acid levels. Here are a few recipes that serve as natural ways to relieve gout pain and swelling as they are low on purine and help alleviate the symptoms: 1. Cherry smoothie You can use frozen cherries when fresh ones are not in season, and you can have this smoothie twice or thrice a week. Blend a cup of pitted cherries along with a cup of strawberries, one banana, and one and a half cup of almond milk. This is one of the most helpful gout-friendly recipes and a natural way to relieve pain and swelling due to the condition. You can have it to prevent gout or during a flare-up as well. 2. Blue cheese orange salad In a large salad bowl, combine two cups of bite-size pieces of romaine lettuce and arugula, one finely chopped cucumber, two chopped oranges, one-fourth cup of finely chopped red onion, and two tablespoons of chopped walnuts.
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Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas and Ticks in Dogs
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

A flea or tick infestation in a dog can be quite a nuisance. If not addressed properly, dogs can suffer from simple skin rashes to itching. While some fleas and ticks carry bacteria that can cause serious diseases and infections in dogs. Dog fleas and ticks have similar life cycles: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults in fleas and eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults in ticks. Both pests feast on animal blood for food. Adult female fleas require blood to produce and lay eggs; tick larvae, nymphs, and adults feed on animal blood. Fleas and ticks are most active during the summer and fall months between April and October, i.e., when the environment is damp, humid and temperatures range between 60° F and 69° F. Despite their pervasiveness, dog fleas and ticks do have weaknesses that can be exploited to ensure freedom from the nuisance and attendant diseases. Home remedies may help to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs: 1. Cut and maintain the yard Dog fleas breed on damp ground and can survive for long periods without food. Dogs can get infested with fleas while walking through grassy fields, shrubby and wooded areas that support the eggs, larvae, and pupae.
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Laser Hair Removal Treatments For Men And Women
Natural Remedies

Laser Hair Removal Treatments For Men And Women

The unwanted hair on your face, in your underarms, and elsewhere on your body, can be methodically destroyed by laser light. Like shaving, tweezing, or waxing, laser hair removal treatment is not permanent. But this treatment certainly lasts a longer duration, and there is a considerable reduction in the density of hair in the area where the treatment is effected. So, the need to repeat the hair removal process does not arise for many weeks and sometimes a couple of months too. Actual laser technology employs the principle of selective photo-thermolysis (SPTL) for hair removal. In most home laser hair removal treatments, intense pulsed lights (IPLs) are used to destroy the hair follicles. While these are similar technologies that use high-intensity light, they are not identical. The high-heat lasers or IPLs ensure new hair is not produced by the follicles for many weeks. Gone are the days when you had to fix an appointment with a dermatologist for efficient laser hair removal. Now is the modern era of effective home laser hair removal treatment with sophisticated technology. Here are the two most effective laser home hair removal treatments: Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X Hundreds of reviews by consumers who purchased and used this product vouch for the efficiency in removing hair by the Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X machine.
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Lifestyle and Dietary Changes to Manage Diabetes
Natural Remedies

Lifestyle and Dietary Changes to Manage Diabetes

One of the top metabolic disorders that cause multiple hospitalizations yearly is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes results in an increase in blood sugar. If patients do not manage their diabetes properly, the disease may potentially cause irreversible damage to your eyes, kidneys, liver, and heart. Thankfully, there are a number of tips available on how to make certain dietary and lifestyle changes in order to manage diabetes (in collaboration with doctor-prescribed medications, like insulin). Here are some top lifestyle and dietary changes to help manage diabetes: 1. Quit smoking When a person smokes, they are basically depriving themselves of good cholesterol. Smoking also raises the blood pressure and the chances of developing blood clots tend to be high. It is also quite common among smokers to have difficulty breathing. However, if you are a diabetic and a smoker, there is an increased chance of nerve damage and kidney disease. Studies show that a diabetic with smoking habits (5-8 cigars per day) is three times more likely to contract the cardiovascular disease than a nonsmoker. Besides it definitely increases the blood sugar levels, thereby making it difficult to manage your diabetes. Hence, quitting smoking, as a lifestyle change is highly recommended. 2.
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Lifestyle Changes To Aid Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Natural Remedies

Lifestyle Changes To Aid Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that results in multiple disabling conditions. The most common effects are balance and gait problems, weakness, muscle tightness that is also known as spasticity, fatigue, bladder and bowel dysfunction, vertigo, and sexual dysfunction. The strategy to improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the symptoms of the condition is to ensure the following along with taking medication: Diet, exercise, and healthy living Emotional well being Spiritual well being Cognitive health Healthy weight Being overweight and overeating is a common impact of multiple sclerosis because of fatigue, steroids, and depression. Overeating, in turn, worsens the symptoms, so it is important to break this cycle by focusing on the right diet and nutrition. Overeating results in joint pain, fatigue, decreased self-esteem, increased pressure on the heart and lungs, and puts one at risk for developing other illnesses. Here are some lifestyle changes for patients of multiple sclerosis to undertake: Instead of dieting, follow a strict regimen to limit the portions and avoid high-calorie foods. Change eating habits one by one, and start by having a healthy breakfast. Pack lunch with more veggies and less meat. Reduce the portion size of dinner or have a snack late in the evening.
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10 Lifestyle Changes to Manage ADHD in Children
Natural Remedies

10 Lifestyle Changes to Manage ADHD in Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a chronic medical condition that affects brain development and brain activity. However, having a family member, especially a child with ADHD, need not be stressful anymore as lifestyle changes can help manage ADHD better. The mentioned lifestyle changes to manage ADHD can help both the patient, especially kids, and their family: Acceptance is key, so parents should acknowledge the fact that the child has a different level of brain development. It is not necessarily better or worse; it is just different. Children with ADHD can be taught the dos and don’ts and how to behave in various situations. With acceptance comes a change in perception and behavior toward the child, which is very important. Behavior management involves two aspects: approving and welcoming acceptable behavior by appreciating it verbally or with rewards, and reprimanding unacceptable behavior with constant reminders or by enforcing consequences and removing rewards. Consistently following the same rules, at home and school, will help a child with ADHD understand what is expected of them and either reduce or stop impulsive behavior and encourage them to follow set rules. This implies that parents must first be clear about what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
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Natural Treatments For Ulcerative Colitis
Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments For Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammation of the colon and damage to the rectum are typical symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Bloody stools because of rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anemia are other risks of this common health condition. This condition worsens at times and is in remission alternatively, but it also affects routine life and relationships over time, which can be overwhelming. A cure is still elusive for ulcerative colitis, but lifestyle changes can help manage this condition by preventing or reducing the frequency of flare-ups. If you are already in consultation with a doctor and are on conventional treatment like medication, you could additionally consider the following lifestyle changes to manage ulcerative colitis: Eat smaller meals to aid the digestive process. This way, energy will be released in a sustained manner and the loss of energy will be minimal. Also, the symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and fatigue can be curtailed. It has been widely observed that certain foods might exacerbate the symptoms during a flare-up. Avoiding these improves the symptoms, and maintaining a food journal helps do this. In the journal, note down what foods intensify the symptoms and how you can replace them. We have been taught from a young age that fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, cereals, and nuts provide essential nutrients for the body.
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7 Tips to Treat Teen Acne Naturally Without Medication
Natural Remedies

7 Tips to Treat Teen Acne Naturally Without Medication

We all have oil glands in our bodies that produce sebum. Some people just have many of these sticky oil cells. These oil cells mix with the oil and block the hair follicles in the skin. These blocks then trap the germs in the follicles causing a mild reddish inflammation in our face that is called acne. Severe acne turns into pimple and cysts. As children reach puberty, their skin tends to get oilier with the secretion of hormones. Teenage boys are more prone to acne as men by nature have more sebum-producing cells. Girls might see more acne during their menstrual cycle because of hormonal changes. Who can get acne? Anyone can get acne; however, if either of your parents had acne, you are more likely to have them too. Heredity is a big cause of acne. Other than that, there are many myths and theories about the cause of acne, which has no basis or has not been proved. Eating a particular diet will not increase acne in any way but, a few food items can increase the spread of acne. A blackhead is not an accumulation of dirt. Despite keeping your skin clean, you can still get acne.
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