Erectile Dysfunction – An Overview and Suggested Lifestyle Changes
Erectile dysfunction can be classified into primary and secondary impotence. The primary causes of this condition are associated with low androgen levels, genetic defects, and severe psychopathology. On the other hand, the secondary causes are common and usually include diabetes, arteriosclerosis, neurological disorders, psychological issues, prolonged stress, or previous surgery to the genitalia. Blood pressure medications and antidepressants are also secondary causes of erectile dysfunction, especially among the elderly.
Causes of erectile dysfunction and ways to deal with them
People with erectile dysfunction hesitate to discuss their problems with physicians. However, a skilled and sensitive physician should identify this when talking to their patients and suggest corrective measures. The majority of erectile dysfunction cases are results of psychological causes, but the physical health of men is also an important factor for leading a healthy sexual life. Psychological and social conditions like stress, depression, and an unhappy marital relationship may also contribute to the problem.
The physician must identify the reversible risk factors for erectile dysfunction, and lifestyle changes or natural remedies should be preceded or combined with the treatment for erectile dysfunction. They benefit individuals with erectile dysfunction and particularly people with specific comorbid cardiovascular or metabolic diseases like diabetes or hypertension.
Lifestyle changes are beneficial for overall metabolic and cardiovascular health. Recent studies support the potential of natural remedies and lifestyle improvements to benefit both erectile dysfunction and overall health. Although further studies are needed to clearly state the role of lifestyle changes in the management of erectile dysfunction and related cardiovascular diseases, they can be recommended for their overall benefits.
Erectile dysfunction is a symptom of underlying diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. So, when a person discovers that he has erectile dysfunction, he should make the necessary lifestyle changes and take up natural remedies for the condition to keep the body healthy and avoid major complications like heart attack and stroke.
Natural remedies for erectile dysfunction
Lifestyle changes and a healthy diet are the bases to fight many diseases and disorders. Erectile dysfunction is one such condition that can be corrected by adopting a healthy lifestyle and following a wholesome diet. Some lifestyle modifications that can reverse erectile dysfunction are listed here:
- A wholesome diet helps the body regain energy in the vital organs. A healthy diet loaded with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals gives adequate nourishment to the overall body and keep the body well balanced.
- Regular exercise builds stamina and helps keep the body weight under control. Studies reveal that obese people are prone to erectile dysfunction, so exercise should be taken up regularly.
- Smoking is injurious to overall health and narrows the blood vessels. Avoiding smoking can reduce the risk of lung-related and other chronic diseases that can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
- A stress-free mind and a happy environment with good relations with the partner are important for a healthy sex life.