5 GERD-Friendly Recipes
Natural Remedies

5 GERD-Friendly Recipes

Heartburn and acid reflux are predominantly a result of our food habits and lifestyle. Many GERD-friendly ingredients can be substituted not only for yourself but also for your family. All that is needed is some planning so that you can keep these ingredients stocked, and now you have an alternative when others are eating their choice of food, which could be anti-GERD. These recipes will not cause irritation and discomfort you normally feel with some of the popular recipes. Oatmeal, bananas, melons, ginger, aloe vera, lean chicken and turkey, seafood, parsley, and avocadoes are some of the must-have ingredients if you or anyone in the family has GERD disease or have symptoms of acid reflux. The following recipes use one or more of GERD-friendly food and can be enjoyed by everyone in the family. None of them have obvious triggers of acid reflux. Mushroom salad Whisk one tablespoon of olive oil along with two teaspoons of coarsely ground mustard, two teaspoons white vinegar, two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, orange zest, and season according to your taste with salt and pepper. Add thinly sliced and sautéed mushrooms and chopped Romaine lettuce leaves. Eat fresh. This cannot be stored, and hence make smaller quantities just enough for one meal.
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Top 4 Essential Oils That Are Safe For Pets
Natural Remedies

Top 4 Essential Oils That Are Safe For Pets

There is no unanimous opinion about the efficacy and need for using essential oils for pets because there is no clear record of the benefits, side effects, or treatment in case of any adverse reaction. However, there has been some consensus on which essential oils are beneficial for them. Remember that essential oils cannot be fed orally and can be used as an application. Herbs, pills, and capsules can be fed as per instructions are given in the package and consultation with the vet. Lavender This is one of the essential oils that has been accepted by pet parents and vets without any tinge of doubt. It can prevent itchiness in the skin and stop pets from constantly scratching themselves causing bruises and bleeding, leading to skin infections and sores. Lavender oil in the paws can protect them from many allergies or infections they can catch from their surroundings in the grass, the carpet, or the soil. Lavender oil mixed with apple cider vinegar can be used to clean the ears of your pets. Lavender can help in relaxing the pets that are prone to nervousness, stress, and anxiety. Chamomile The oil obtained from the Chamomile flower has gained acceptance in treating pets.
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Tips to Treat Migraines Naturally
Natural Remedies

Tips to Treat Migraines Naturally

While migraines have no known cure, there are medications available to help control the symptoms and decrease the frequency of migraine pain. Migraines are not fatal, but they can be chronic and debilitating especially if the chronic pain, weakness, nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, and vision problems interfere with daily life. In severe cases, migraines can be extremely disruptive and prevent the affected from engaging in routine activities. For instance, students could miss school, and adults work. In addition to doctor-prescribed medication, there are many home remedies that can help one manage the pain caused by a migraine attack or stop a migraine before it gets excessive: 1. Keep yourself hydrated Dehydration can lead to migraines and therefore, if you are prone to migraines, ensure to drink about 8 glasses of water daily. 2. Apply a cold compress One of the most effective ways of getting some relief from migraines is using an ice pack or a cold compress. You can also pick up a cold package from your freezer and place it on your forehead. If you do not have immediate access to a cold compress, dip a small piece of cotton cloth in cold water and apply it to your forehead.
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Lifestyle And Natural Treatments To Combat Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Lifestyle And Natural Treatments To Combat Hair Loss

The quality of our lives can be measured by the way our body reacts to it. Hair loss, for example, could be the result of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle besides the fact it could be hereditary. Once you start losing hair, it increases your stress even further. To overcome such emotional trauma, one needs to make changes to their lifestyle in addition to the option for natural treatments to combat hair loss. Here are some ideas for the same: Give yourself one hour a day Giving yourself an hour everyday is not much to ask for. During this self-care time, ensure to spend 30 minutes on a workout. Opt for a workout of your choice but it is important to be consistent at it. Exercise increases blood flow into the system and this helps a great deal to stimulate hair growth. The other 30 minutes should be spent towards grooming oneself. One hour a day is an investment for a healthy living. Breathing and yoga Yoga postures done in coordination with the breath is known to increase oxygen levels in the system. Breathing exercises bring about a lot of calmness in the body, thereby reducing stress levels and helping your hair to grow back.
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Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes
Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common condition many people face. It occurs when you don’t produce enough tears to lubricate your eyes. It can also occur if you produce low quality tears. Dry eyes can be temporary or a chronic condition. Some people experience seasonal dry eyes while others have dry eyes when they ride in airplanes, in air conditioned rooms, or if they spend too much time in front of an electronic screen. Some people also experience dry eyes when they take certain medications or as they age. Common symptoms of chronic dry eyes are: Burning, stinging, or scratching on the eyes A gritty feeling in your eyes Eye mucus or watery eyes Sensitivity to light Redness in your eyes Blurred or fuzzy vision Feeling like there is something in your eye Irritation when wearing contact lenses Difficulty driving at night Thankfully, there are a number of natural ways to help your dry eyes: 1. Use a humidifier Furnaces, air conditioners and ceiling fans decrease humidity in the air. You can add moisture back into a space and help ease your dry eyes by using a humidifier. 2. Drink plenty of water Water is great for your skin and eyes.
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