4 Home Remedies to Treat Adult Acne
It is quite common to use home or natural remedies to treat acne. After all, some herbal extracts have been used for hundreds of years. While home remedies to treat acne are effective, it is imperative to make some lifestyle modifications as well.
Some effective home remedies to treat acne in adults are as follows:
Do not touch your pimples
Squeezing the skin around acne or even touching it might be tempting. It is a quick solution to get rid of the bump. However, it could increase the bacterial colony into the lesion and cause infections. The more you squeeze, the more you are facilitating the bacteria to move further into your skin.
Buy the right cleanser
Regular soaps that we use daily have high acidity or pH levels that could irritate the skin, which, in turn, makes the acne worse. Choose cleansing products that are close to 5.5 pH to reduce the flare-ups; it also helps in the healing process. You could also use jojoba oil for cleansing, as it can reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling around the pimples. Take a few drops of jojoba oil on a cotton pad and rub it gently over the acne sores.
Try oil-free products
Your body produces the necessary oils naturally. Creams and lotions that are oil-based tend to block the pores, thereby increasing the chance of clogging, which results in acne formation. You could also look for non-comedogenic products that allow the pores to breathe. On the other hand, scrub your face twice a week to avoid the chance of clogged pores. Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and yogurt. Mix the ingredients and set it aside for 30 minutes. Apply this on the face and neck and rinse with warm water. Your skin would feel a lot better after this routine.
Masks to the rescue
Do not go overboard trying every other mask. Take aloe vera gel and mix it with 5 tablespoons of avocado oil. Apply it and leave it for about 15 minutes. Later, wash it with warm water. This has been known to work miracles on acne and red spots.
Another simple mask to try would be rosemary powder mixed with honey and turmeric powder. Take equal portions of all the three and apply on the affected areas for best results.
Staying hydrated, following a low glycemic diet, and reducing dairy products and stress helps treat your acne effectively. Moreover, getting enough sleep is crucial. It is essential to understand that every skin type is unique and might react to treatments differently, even if it is a nature-based product. Always perform a patch test to check if you are allergic to any product or ingredient before using it.