5 Common Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

5 Common Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The five early signs of rheumatoid arthritis mentioned in this article are those that are common in people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. These early signs are an indication to visit the doctor.

Joint stiffness
One of the most common early signs of rheumatoid arthritis is stiffness in the joints. This is by far one of the common symptoms in the joints, which indicates that you could have rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

It is common to experience this stiffness first thing in the morning. When you get up after the night’s sleep, you could experience stiffness in the joints of the hands, knees, ankles, and feet. This stiffness may last for a few minutes or for a longer time.

If you observe this sign on more than one day and there is no injury or any other apparent cause, it’s best to immediately meet a doctor and ask him if you are suffering from RA.

Joint pain
Pain in the joints is another common sign of RA. Along with stiffness, you could also experience pain. Since RA is in the initial stage, the pain may be mild, which is why people tend to ignore the pain. The pain can affect any of the joints and may occur on either side of the body.

RA joint pain can become worse either while moving after a period of rest or when you sit or lie down to take some rest. The fingers and wrists are where the pain is usually observed first followed by the ankles.

Joint swelling
RA is an inflammatory disease where the joints are inflamed because of the immune system attacking the cells in the joints. Swelling may be observed in any of the joints due to inflammation.

Since it is at an early stage, the swelling would not be severe. The swelling will not be apparent at all times. When the joints well, there would be a feeling of warmth in the joints.

Joint tenderness
The inflammation and swelling in the joints would lead to tenderness. The joints in the hands and feet would feel tender when touched. The tenderness may turn into a feeling of soreness.

The joints at the bottom of the toes and the joints in the middle of the fingers, as well as the base, can feel tender.

Joint redness
When the joint is inflamed, it is natural that it would appear red. In RA, inflammation in the joints is not a one-time occurrence. This would cause redness in the skin of the joint areas.

The inflammation leads to the blood vessels expanding, as a result of which redness is seen. The skin of the hands and feet would be the first to become discolored.

These are mostly signs and symptoms directly related to the joints. If you experience any of these symptoms you should meet a doctor.