5 Lesser-known Motorcycle Myths Busted

5 Lesser-known Motorcycle Myths Busted

Riding a motorcycle is a passion for some and may be a style statement for others. What is true for every motorcycle rider is the thrill that is associated with long rides. Another thing that is unfortunately common many motorcyclists is the myths that keep cropping up. Let’s take a look at some of the top motorcycle safety myths that need to have the truth behind them revealed.

Myth 1: Racing tires are better and safer than road tires
Racing tires and road tires are created differently. For instance, racing tires perform better when they heat to a certain temperature on the track. This causes them to stick to the ground for a better grip. However, keep in mind that this only happens when the tires heat up. This will not happen on a regular road for daily riding. So, a racing tire might actually cause your bike to fall down. This lack of grip can especially affect you when the roads are wet in the rain. Experts have trashed this myth and recommend that you get a good pair of regular tires for daily use and only upgrade to winter tires for the colder months.

Myth 2: Racing tires help increase speed
Experts recommend that you never use racing tires on regular roads. They would not perform well off the racing track and might even cause you to fall, thereby impacting your safety. Racing tires need to get to a certain temperature that they can achieve only on the track. Always get a pair of good tires suited for regular riding on streets and highways.

Myth 3: Speeding motorcycles can skip the police radar
This is one of the top motorcycle safety myths that is believed by bikers who love to speed. According to them, a motorbike is much smaller than a truck or a regular sedan and, thus, can escape a police radar unnoticed. This is, however, absolutely untrue. The fact is that police radars are so advanced that they can pick up the tiniest of movements, so this definitely includes your motorcycle. Be cautious and drive within the speed limit if you want to stay clear of a heavy fine and be safe on the road.

Myth 4: Loud pipes mean a safer ride
The reasoning that is often argued behind this is that if a bike is noisy, the vehicles around it will be alerted of its arrival and keep a safe distance. Yet, there is no actual proof to back this up. For instance, the pipes face the back of the bike so the noise gets directed there. Cars or any other vehicles in front will not really hear anything as they will be quite far ahead. So, safety should be followed in other aspects such as wearing good riding gear.

Myth 5: Synthetic oil is bad for your motorcycle engine
The reasoning that is often given for this myth is that synthetic oil is far too slippery and it interferes with the turning of the roller bearings and ball. Yet, that is not true. Synthetic oil is just as slippery as regular oil and causes no problem in the bike’s functioning.