A Comprehensive Look at the Early Warning Signs of Peptic Ulcers

A Comprehensive Look at the Early Warning Signs of Peptic Ulcers

Having a peptic ulcer can be a painful experience; it can cause physical and emotional exhaustion. It can play havoc with your overall health and cause disturbances in your life. Several symptoms signal the possibility of stomach ulcers, especially if they last for over a week. There are some early warning signs of peptic ulcers you need to notice for timely treatment and to take preventive measures.

You will experience several gastrointestinal issues including nausea and excessive gas because of stomach ulcers. All the warning signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers are directly related to various complications resulting from this health issue.

Complications of peptic ulcers

Bleeding is one of the most common complications of stomach ulcers. It can be very slow and subtle that you bearly notice it. However, once you develop anemia due to the constant loss of blood, complications begin to rise. Dark and tarry stools indicate bleeding, and it can erode the blood vessels and cause significant loss of blood. It then becomes life-threatening.

A peptic ulcer can wear off the protective lining of the stomach or the small intestine. It creates a hole, and gastrointestinal fluids start leaking into the body. It results in severe abdominal pain and requires immediate medical treatment.

Perforation can also induce an abnormal connection between two hollow spaces like the blood vessels, the colon, pancreas, and others. The connection causes an exchange of fluids and results in vomiting and other chronic abdominal issues. It often requires surgery to eradicate the problem.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency results from low food intake. It causes malnutrition that results in issues of the immune system, bone weakness, and fragile skin. It’s not noticeable early on but plays a part in developing peptic ulcers as it advances. It can be seen as one of the early warning signs of peptic ulcers.

Inflammation of the ulcer blocks the passageway of digested food and causes intestinal dysfunction. This worsens the condition and results in severe symptoms of peptic ulcers.

Diagnosis of peptic ulcers
Diagnosing peptic ulcers depends on the symptoms experienced and the severity of the ulcer. Your medical history will be reviewed so that the doctor can come to a conclusion. A diagnosis helps detect the early warning signs of peptic ulcers more accurately.

Your doctor may perform a blood or stool test along with a breath test. For a breath test, you have to drink a lot of water and breathe into a bag that will be sealed. If your breath contains very high levels of carbon dioxide, then it probably is H. pylori infection. Diagnosis includes:

Barium swallow is a test wherein you have to drink a solution containing Barium sulfate. It coats the upper gastrointestinal tract for clear observation of the stomach and the small intestine through an X-ray.

Endoscopy is a process where a lighted tube is inserted through the throat to the stomach. It helps to look for stomach ulcers clearly and other issues if any.

Endoscopic biopsy is conducted wherein a part of stomach tissue is removed to test it in a lab. This diagnosis is usually recommended for people with gastrointestinal bleeding and difficulty in swallowing.