Do’s and Don’ts of Keto Diet

Do’s and Don’ts of Keto Diet

Keto diets have been around for a while and while they have led to different results in different individuals, the general consensus s that they are quite effective. These diets encourage individuals to stick to eating a little of every food group and not deprive themselves of anything. however, the proportion of the food group being consumed is strictly monitored.

For the body to achieve ketosis, which is a metabolic state wherein the body uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, one needs to have a fat-rich diet. In keto, meals have to have 55%–60% fat, 30%–35% protein and 5%–10% carbohydrates. Owing to the popularity of the diet, many companies and brands have come out with their versions of keto food options. From sauces, to chocolate bars, to pastas, there are keto versions of everything. But how many of these actually adhere to the laws of the keto diet and are good or one? Do they comply with the strict keto dos and don’ts? Whenever you see a special ketogenic label on a packaged food item, you need to be wary and understand whether these ingredients do comply with the natural ingredient requirements.

The reason you need to be careful is that most often there are one or more ingredients in these special ketogenic labeled foods that don’t work or aren’t allowed on a keto diet. When you eat these hidden carbs or unhealthy fats, you can end up with cravings that can nullify the effects of the keto diet. You need to strictly and thoroughly analyze the labels. There might even be natural sugars as additives, but according to the keto diet dos and don’ts, sugars of any form are on the no-no list. These special labels can sometimes merely be ultra-processed food, which is not healthy in any circumstance, let alone on a diet.

What should you be aware of for a keto diet dos and don’ts?
Essentially, replacing regular junk food with junk food labeled as keto food will not help you. When you want to treat yourself to a dessert you need to make one with the ingredients allowed on a keto list and there are recipes that you can find on the internet to help you do so.

The only way you will be successful on a keto diet is if you learn to read the labels, stick to what is allowed and stay away from the prohibited foods on a strict routine without giving in. Stick to whole foods as far as possible and ignore low-carb versions of food as these are likely to have artificial sweeteners and other additives.

Avoid buying things that are packaged as healthy and natural and instead opt for items that contain minimal additional ingredients. Be sure to check the carb, fat, and protein percentages of an item before buying it. You also need to be aware of any label that reads as net carbs because most of the time they just use that as a phrase to cover up the real carb content.