Healthy Fats to Help Psoriatic Arthritis

Healthy Fats to Help Psoriatic Arthritis

Healthy fats containing omega-3 fatty acids (essential fatty acids) help to manage psoriatic arthritis symptoms and reduce inflammation. These natural foods containing healthy fats for a psoriatic arthritis diet are mentioned below.

Fish oil
Fish such as trout, herring, and salmon are loaded with healthy fats. You must load up on these as they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids as well. Fish oils are better than animal fats. Avoid animal fats as they may adversely affect overall health. Fish oil supplements are also available over the counter. They are very good at the immune system and help to strengthen the body’s defense mechanism. Avoid canned fish and opt for the fresh catch as far as possible.

Shark cartilage
Shark cartilage extracts are used for treating psoriatic arthritis. They are available as supplements. Several extracts are made from shark cartilage and used in the treatment of PSA.

Some health care providers recommend probiotics to treat psoriatic arthritis as probiotics are loaded with good bacteria. Probiotics are microorganisms that have health benefits when consumed. The people with psoriatic arthritis have lower levels of good bacteria in the gut. Consuming probiotics that are loaded with good bacteria helps to heal and reduce inflammation in the body. Yogurt is one of the best probiotic foods to add to your diet. It is pocket-friendly and easily available. Avoid flavored yogurt and opt for sugar-free plain ones. You can make yogurt at home too by fermenting the milk. Some of the other super-healthy probiotics are kefir, miso, kombucha, kimchi, and tempeh to name a few.

Avocado or butter fruit is one fruit that is loaded with healthy fats. It is an incredibly nutritious fruit. It has great flavor and texture. These days avocado has become highly popular among health-conscious individuals as they contain more than 20 different vitamins and minerals. Many types of avocado vary in shape and color. Use it as a spread and in salads. You can have it plain to with chia seeds or nuts sprinkled on it. If you have a backyard, do plant an avocado plant in your vegetable garden.

Omega-fat 3 rich flax seeds should be a part of your everyday diet to control inflammation due to psoriasis. Add powdered flaxseed to porridges, salads and cut fruits. Instead of buying flax seed powder, buy the seeds and powder it with your mixer. This helps it to last longer without developing any pungent odor.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds available as seeds or as pumpkin seed butter is a great plant-based inflammation-fighting seed. Roasted pumpkin seed is a healthy snack to make. Add some olive oil to pumpkin seeds and roast them in the oven for around 30 minutes. Add seasoning of your choice.

Walnuts and almonds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and proteins. They are a fantastic snack option. If you are allergic to any of the nuts, do avoid them. Otherwise, try to add them to your salads or smoothies or have them as a whole. For psoriasis-friendly handy snacks, make a trail mix combining various nuts and unsweetened dried fruits like blueberries or strawberries. Make your trail mix as the shop-bought ones may have a high content of salt or preservatives in them.

Instead of sticking to a very strict anti-inflammatory diet, eat well-balanced meals that help you feel good. Combine the various healthy food options like herbs and healthy fats. Chalk out a meal plan with recipes that combine these ingredients in them. Make exercise a part of your routine.