Heart-Healthy Diet Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure

Heart-Healthy Diet Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure

The buildup of blood pressure along the artery walls is known as hypertension or is commonly referred to as high blood pressure. This build-up of pressure can end up damaging the blood vessels, which in turn, can lead to health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems over some time. This is referred to as one of the silent killers of health as most symptoms do not manifest themselves for a long period. Leaving the condition untreated only adds to health issues.

There are quite a few environmental risk factors associated with this condition and they are totally out of one’s control. One element that can be controlled is food, which plays a strong role in not just lowering the blood pressure but also keeping your overall health. Here are a few things that you need to understand as diet tips for lowering your blood pressure:

Why is heart-healthy eating essential?
When you follow a heart-healthy diet, you are not only keeping your blood pressure in check but also reducing any sort of risk in terms of heart attacks, strokes, and other forms of health threats. The main idea should be to only derive nutrition that your body needs from a variety of food sources. On these lines, your meal should be rich in fruits, vegetables, skinless poultry or fish, whole grains, nuts and legumes, low-fat dairy products, and non-tropical vegetable oils. At the same time, you also need to limit your intake of saturated and trans fats, red meats (the lean kind is allowed), sodium, and any form of sweets or sugar-based beverages.

This is not just about eating the right foods, but also following them routinely so that your dietary changes bear fruit in the long term. While the foods that you are allowed may be from a limited list, you can spice things up with heart-healthy food recipes that go a long way to make your meals interesting and flavorsome. This would also mean that you practice the right meal choices when eating out.

Make a habit of reading the labels!
Most often we just make a mental note of what to eat and what to avoid when looking into diet tips for lowering blood pressure. What you should really be doing is reading the label on each item that you buy. There is always the possibility that the food you buy off from the counter contains unhealthy ingredients such as trans fats or saturated fats which are extremely harmful to your cholesterol levels. Most foods also contain high sodium content then the permissible levels which end up triggering your blood pressure.

Make sure you notice the heart-check mark whenever you buy food. This is quite a common practice with many brands, but you cannot simply buy off the shelf and hope for it to be true. However, the heart checkmark is a mandate to be used in strict regulation formulated by the American Heart Association. This would mean that the food you have picked is safe for consumption as it has the unhealthy factors under check.