How Superfoods Reduce the Risk of Cancer

How Superfoods Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Did you know, that only 5% of the cancers are hereditary or caused by genetic factors? The other cancers are mostly caused by our lifestyle, our environment, and food. Even from this group of cancers, about 30-35% of cancers have greater chances of being prevented by making the right choices and drastically changing what we eat and how we live.

A few of the basic thumb rules that one should follow to reduce the risk of cancer are:

  • Say no to any form of tobacco
  • Choose the right fruits, vegetables, and combinations that give you enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to build immunity and fight diseases.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes every day.
  • Obesity is a gateway to many diseases, making it essential to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Protect yourself against viral infections.
  • Restrict alcohol consumption to one drink a day.
  • Avoid exposure to radiation.
  • Avoid exposure to chemical hazards.
  • Take adequate rest.

Superfood and cancer prevention
Cancer is caused by uncontrollable growth and division of cells. It has no known cure yet, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet has been thought to go a long way in reducing an individual’s chances of developing this disease.

What are superfoods? In simple terms, these are ingredients that are packed with nutrients needed by the body. They are mostly plant-based but fish and dairy products can be a part of this group too. These food items provide one with the maximum benefits at next to no extra calories.

What do superfoods contain?
Superfoods can contain one or multiple elements of nutrition that our body needs.

  • Antioxidants: Anti-oxidants are those substances that prevent free radicals produced by our own body from damaging our cells.
  • Nutrients: Vitamins and minerals that are essential for overall health and organ functioning.
  • Healthy fats: These can also be called good fats and are necessary for the health of the heart and are good for cholesterol.
  • Phytochemicals: These chemicals occur naturally in plants. They can prevent excessive oxidation of the body’s cells and directly reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Fiber: This helps our body to maintain metabolism, control sugar, prevent heart disease, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Superfoods not only improve overall health, they specifically improve vision, help reduce diabetes, help in weight loss, in recovery from diseases, and also help to reduce the risk of cancer by improving the overall immunity of a person. Examples of superfoods are fish, yogurt, chocolate, nuts, olive oil, greens, blueberries, tomatoes, and watermelon among others.

Even if you cannot include one of these options with every meal, it is important to try and ensure you have them at least once a day. You can have things like fruits and nuts as is, and add things like olive oil to garnishes and marinades.

It is advisable to note that superfoods do not cure cancer, they only help in reducing the risk of developing illnesses and must be consumed in moderation, as with any other food item.