How to Effectively Quit Smoking
If you have decided to quit smoking, your efforts should certainly be appreciated. It is important to be aware that smoking is highly injurious to your health and you have to stop soon. This awareness is the beginning of healthy habits and lifestyle. However, understand that it is only half the battle crossed. What is important is to continue facing the battle and come clean off the habit of smoking.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the country. Altering one’s behavior does tremendous help in swimming to the surface, and not to forget the withdrawal symptoms that one has to go through. One of the most effective ways to quit smoking for good is to:
Fix a quit day
It all starts by fixing a quit day. One might argue, what’s in a date? But research shows that it gives the person anchoring, assurance, and something to look forward to. Ensure not to fix a quit date too far away, for you may not take it seriously. The time frame should be just enough to give you time to prepare. Mark it on your calendar – physically and on your phone. Set reminders for the quit day so that it gets imbibed in the system.
It is also a good idea to gradually reduce your cigarette intake instead of suddenly quitting on the day of quitting day. You might find it difficult to handle the withdrawal symptoms if you quit suddenly. However, many have also tried to quit at once, and have been successful.
Some of the other effective things to do on your quitting day would be to:
- Staying busy
- Hydrate yourself constantly – water or juice
- Stay away from alcohol
- Avoid the company of those who smoke
- Avoid triggers that would bring the urge to smoke
- If required get some oral substitutes like candy, sugarless gum, etc.
Most importantly, ensure to throw away all the cigarettes and ashtrays from your immediate environment.
Inform your close circle
You must take help here. Inform your family and your close circle of friends about your quit day. This is also an effective method to stay away from smoking because friends and family are always there to support and bring one back to reality. It would also be wise to have the company of a non-smoking family or friends to stay with you for a few days right after the quit day. This will give you a reason not to fall back to the habit. A support group is crucial. This is an effective way to quit smoking for good.
Gift yourself
Keep some milestones – example, 10 days of no smoke, 20 days, etc., and as you reach these milestones, gift yourself things that you always wanted to buy but did not. You could also present this ‘wish list’ to your friends and make them give it to you if you reach the milestone. This method has also been proved successful among those who have tried to quit smoking.