Know About The Process Of Diagnosing Kidney Cancer

Know About The Process Of Diagnosing Kidney Cancer

Cancer that begins in tubules of the kidney is called kidney cancer. This gradually spreads to the entire organ, nearby lymph nodes, blood tissues, and nearby organs, causing the body to start malfunctioning as it the cancerous cells crowd out the healthy cells and prevent healthy tissue formation. Renal cancer is a very common type of cancer. Symptoms for this condition do not show up in the beginning, making diagnosing its stages and determining treatment procedures difficult later on. If the symptoms are prominent, one will be asked to undergo a series of tests to confirm the presence of the tumor.

Diagnosis of kidney cancer
There are various tests doctors prescribe to help diagnose the stage of cancer. This then determines the treatment procedure that will be opted for.

  • Physical exam and history: A physical exam is used to feel the presence of lumps, inflammation, or check for other abnormal appearances. The doctor will also ask you to explain more about your family’s health history, habits, your medical history, and treatments that were taken earlier.
  • Ultrasound scan: Images of kidneys and other abdominal organs are taken with the help of high energy sound waves called ultrasound. This is done to look for lumps or other abnormalities present in them.
  • Blood tests: Blood samples are collected to look for particular substances that are made by the cancer cells. The stages and treatments for kidney cancer are determined based on the levels indicated in the report.
  • Urine test: A urine sample is collected to check for abnormal levels of sugar, red blood cells, protein and white blood cells that are related to kidney cancer.
  • Liver function test: This test is done to check for the levels of enzymes produced by the liver. If the levels are too high or too low, it indicates the possibility of cancer.
  • Intravenous pyelogram (IVP): The patient undergoes multiple X-rays of the ureters, bladder, and kidney so that the presence of cancerous tumors can be determined. During this process, a contrast dye is infused through an IV that passes through the organs, while the X-ray captures the images of blocked veins.
  • CT scan: Detailed pictures of the internal organs from different angles are taken during the CT Scan.
  • MRI : In this procedure, detailed pictures of internal organs are taken with the help of magnetic and radio waves. This helps the doctor to get a clear look at the tumor growing inside.
  • Biopsy: A small sample of the infected cell or tissue from the kidney is taken for microscopic study in the laboratory. This test determines the severity of the disease like the stage of the cancer present.

If the results of the above tests confirm the presence of cancer cells in the kidney, your doctor will recommend you to the following cancer specialist:

  • A urologist: A specialist and surgeon who treats diseases related to the urinary system and male reproductive systems.
  • A radiation oncologist: Radiation oncologists work on treating cancer patients with radiation therapy.
  • A medical oncologist: A specialist who treats cancer patients with medicine like immunotherapy.

In order to treat cancer, all the above-mentioned doctors work together as a team to maximize the chances of a complete cure.