Lifestyle And Natural Treatments To Combat Hair Loss

Lifestyle And Natural Treatments To Combat Hair Loss

The quality of our lives can be measured by the way our body reacts to it. Hair loss, for example, could be the result of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle besides the fact it could be hereditary. Once you start losing hair, it increases your stress even further. To overcome such emotional trauma, one needs to make changes to their lifestyle in addition to the option for natural treatments to combat hair loss. Here are some ideas for the same:

Give yourself one hour a day
Giving yourself an hour everyday is not much to ask for. During this self-care time, ensure to spend 30 minutes on a workout. Opt for a workout of your choice but it is important to be consistent at it. Exercise increases blood flow into the system and this helps a great deal to stimulate hair growth. The other 30 minutes should be spent towards grooming oneself. One hour a day is an investment for a healthy living.

Breathing and yoga
Yoga postures done in coordination with the breath is known to increase oxygen levels in the system. Breathing exercises bring about a lot of calmness in the body, thereby reducing stress levels and helping your hair to grow back.

Food and beverage
Ensure to eat multicolored vegetables every day. You should get a minimum of three to five cups of vegetables or fruits daily. Hydrate yourself frequently for your body to recuperate. Stay away from sugar and flour as much as possible. Avoid eating tinned products and stick to cooking from freshly grown products.

Here are some natural treatments to combat hair loss, when effectively done will take up only 30 minutes of your day:

Onion juice
It is difficult to handle the smell of onion but if you can handle it, the benefits are unbelievable. Studies on animals have shown an increased amount of keratin and blood flow to the cuticles after applying onion juice. Just blend a few onions and take out the juice. Apply on the scalp and hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Shampoo normally after that.

Coconut oil and aloe vera
Cut aloe vera into small pieces. In a pan, heat coconut oil and add the aloe vera pieces. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes, allowing it to reduce. After it is cooled, drain and transfer the oil to a container. Use it three to five times a week. This is a great natural treatment to combat hair loss.

Chinese hibiscus
Take about three hibiscus flower and eight to nine hibiscus leaves. Blend the flower and leaves and add a little coconut oil (or jojoba oil) to this mixture. Apply it to your hair and leave the mixture for an hour. Rinse with a mild shampoo and condition your hair.

Essential oils
Rosemary oil, geranium oil, lemongrass oil, lemon oil, and coconut oil are known to fight against hair fall and improve the quality of hair, thereby enabling it to grow. If you are using essential oils, ensure to mix them with a carrier oil so that you don’t burn your hair.