Lyme Disease – Treatment And Prevention

Lyme Disease – Treatment And Prevention

Lyme disease is caused when a tick bites a person and transmits bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacteria is found in deer, mice, and birds. When a deer tick bites any of these animals, it would carry the bacteria. When it bites a human, it can lead to the disease. Herein, we provide important information on the treatment and prevention of Lyme disease. It can be used as a guide to understanding how to manage and prevent this disease transmitted through ticks.

Treatment of Lyme disease
The disease is not easy to diagnose since early symptoms are generic. The distinguishing symptom is the bull’s eye rash. In the early stages, anti-inflammatory medicines can be used to manage inflammation and pain.

The main course of treatment is antibiotics. Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, and Doxycycline are the preferred antibiotics that are administered as tablets or capsules. A period of 10 to 14 days of treatment through antibiotics is needed to get rid of the infection completely.

In its advanced stage, Lyme disease can enter the central nervous system. Then antibiotics have to given through intravenous mode. It may be required for 2 to 3 weeks to completely clear the infection. Some people develop chronic Lyme disease where symptoms like muscle ache last for many months. For them, apart from medicines leading a healthy lifestyle can be of help.

Prevention of Lyme disease
The prevention of Lyme disease focuses mainly on avoiding the tick bite. Since it is the deer tick that transmits the bacteria causing infection, care must be taken to avoid tick bites. Special care is needed during the months of May, June, and July when ticks are abundant.

  • It is important to use insect repellent cream on the body to prevent being bitten. A 10% DEET cream will be helpful in avoiding tick bite. This is a toxic chemical and should not be applied on the face or the hands of small children.
  • Those who do not wish to use a chemical repellent can try lemon eucalyptus oil. The smell of this oil can keep away ticks.
  • One must be fully clothed and avoid exposing skin while outdoors, especially in places frequented by animals since ticks can be there.
  • Domestic pets can also carry the tick on their body and they must be checked and brushed to remove ticks.
  • While coming from outdoors, extra precaution is needed to check if any ticks have climbed on to you. A shower is recommended and checking under armpits and groin region is important as ticks may hide there.
  • Once a tick bites you will not be infected immediately. The tick should remain for 36 to 48 hours. So if you are bitten by a tick or spot it on your body, pull it out immediately. You can use tweezers to remove the tick and take care to remove the entire tick.
  • In case a tick bites you, wash the area with soap water thoroughly after removing the tick.

The information provided herein for the treatment and prevention of Lyme disease can help you understand the different ways this disease is treated and how you can prevent yourself from being infected.