Renal Cancer-Friendly Meal Plans

Renal Cancer-Friendly Meal Plans

Renal cancer, or cancer of the kidney, is a disease that strikes the cells within the tubal in one or both kidneys which are located on either side of the backbone, just above the waist.

Fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, and cereals, which have lower potassium and phosphorus levels, are often among the recommended foods for renal cancer. It is difficult to avoid phosphorous as many foods contain natural phosphorus, or it may be added by food manufacturers.

Therefore, meals cooked at home with low potassium, sodium, and phosphorus ingredients would be the best alternative for renal cancer:

1. Foods that are low in potassium

  • Fruits such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberries, raspberries, and cherries.
  • Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant, beans, red, green, and yellow bell peppers, cabbage, garlic, onions, asparagus.
  • Cereals such as white rice, white pasta, and white bread have to be included instead of whole wheat bread and brown rice.

2. Food options low in phosphorus

  • Red meats without marinades and sauces, lean beef, chicken, and eggs.
  • Seafood like salmon and perch.
  • Low-fat cheese or sour cream.
  • Fresh white bread, bagels, muffins.
  • Homemade meals or snacks.
  • Macadamia nuts.
  • Rice milk and almond milk, lemon soda, ginger ale, fresh-brewed coffee.

3. Why is a renal diet cooked at home better?
Homemade meals made from fresh ingredients are always the best for a proper renal diet. There is greater control in the choice of ingredients and methods of cooking, making it safer than fast foods and food from restaurants. Consider the following:

  • High potassium levels in vegetables and fruits can be removed to a certain extent by soaking them in warm water, cutting them into small pieces, and cooking them in plenty of water.
  • These can be added in limited portions to the recipes that are mainly made of ingredients low in potassium and phosphorous.
  • The sodium content can also be restricted since there are no preservatives added, and by limiting the salt in the dishes. Different herbs can be added to bring out the flavors.

4. Some interesting food plans for renal diet

  • A plate of beef and potatoes can be compensated with chicken and carrots. Carrots can also be substituted with cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus.
  • Fish like tuna, halibut, and cod are rich in phosphorus and should be avoided. They can be substituted with fish like salmon and perch. Perch chowder, perch casserole, grilled salmon with lemon and thyme are some options you can choose from.
  • Bagel with eggs and salmon, white bread sandwiches with low-fat cheese, and lean meat can substitute bacon, nuggets, hotdogs, and processed meats.
  • Chicken noodle soup made with chicken breast, egg noodles, carrots, butter, and basil
  • Apple muffins with refined flour, apples, and eggs; fritters and crisps, apple pies, and apple sauce are some snack options to consider instead of quick bread, biscuits, and waffles.
  • Scrambled eggs with low potassium vegetables like cauliflower, onion and bell peppers
  • Homemade sausage with lean pork, onions, egg yolk, and herbs
  • Stuffed green peppers and salads with vegetables and fruits
  • Omelets with vegetable or seafood filling
  • Broccoli, chicken casserole, or chicken lasagna with white sauce
  • Freshly brewed coffee and tea can be used instead of bottled drinks, chocolate drinks, and dark colas.
  • Fruit snacks or hard candy instead of chocolate and caramel. Frozen fruit pops or sherbet can be better options compared to ice-creams and frozen yogurts.