Tips to Treat Migraines Naturally

Tips to Treat Migraines Naturally

While migraines have no known cure, there are medications available to help control the symptoms and decrease the frequency of migraine pain. Migraines are not fatal, but they can be chronic and debilitating especially if the chronic pain, weakness, nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, and vision problems interfere with daily life. In severe cases, migraines can be extremely disruptive and prevent the affected from engaging in routine activities.

For instance, students could miss school, and adults work. In addition to doctor-prescribed medication, there are many home remedies that can help one manage the pain caused by a migraine attack or stop a migraine before it gets excessive:

1. Keep yourself hydrated
Dehydration can lead to migraines and therefore, if you are prone to migraines, ensure to drink about 8 glasses of water daily.

2. Apply a cold compress
One of the most effective ways of getting some relief from migraines is using an ice pack or a cold compress. You can also pick up a cold package from your freezer and place it on your forehead. If you do not have immediate access to a cold compress, dip a small piece of cotton cloth in cold water and apply it to your forehead. Repeat the process three or four times to feel the relief.

3. Apply a hot compress
For some people, a hot water bottle or a warm shower helps more than cold compresses. If you do not have access to either, fill a mug with warm water and place it on your forehead. You can repeat the process every 20 minutes or so.

4. Reduce the pressure on the forehead
Allow for free blood circulation in the neck, head, and shoulders. Remove hair bands, clips, hairpins, caps or hats that are tight and add pressure to your head and neck region.

5. Lie down in a dark room
If you are at home or there is a place to rest at your workplace, draw all the curtains, switch off the lights, ensure there is sufficient ventilation and stretch out and lie down for about 30 minutes or so for your body to relax. Bright lights and loud sounds can irritate or increase symptoms of migraines. If you are outdoors, wear sunglasses.

6. Opt for a massage
This is another very effective home remedy for migraines. If you can do it on your own, use your fingers and gently massage your temples in a circular motion to ease the pain. You can also massage your neck and shoulders. If the pain is too severe and you need to lie down, take the help of family members or colleagues – a few minutes of massage can relieve severe symptoms of a migraine attack.

7. Try and relax
If you have learned breathing exercises and techniques, there is no better time to practice them. If you have not learned any, close your eyes, sit in a comfortable position, and focus on your breathing. Follow your breath. Repeat every 30 minutes or so for about 3 minutes and see the soothing effect it has on your pain.

These tips and home remedies for migraines will ensure better management of the condition, allowing you to lead a more normal life.