Top 4 Essential Oils That Are Safe For Pets

Top 4 Essential Oils That Are Safe For Pets

There is no unanimous opinion about the efficacy and need for using essential oils for pets because there is no clear record of the benefits, side effects, or treatment in case of any adverse reaction. However, there has been some consensus on which essential oils are beneficial for them. Remember that essential oils cannot be fed orally and can be used as an application. Herbs, pills, and capsules can be fed as per instructions are given in the package and consultation with the vet.

This is one of the essential oils that has been accepted by pet parents and vets without any tinge of doubt. It can prevent itchiness in the skin and stop pets from constantly scratching themselves causing bruises and bleeding, leading to skin infections and sores. Lavender oil in the paws can protect them from many allergies or infections they can catch from their surroundings in the grass, the carpet, or the soil. Lavender oil mixed with apple cider vinegar can be used to clean the ears of your pets. Lavender can help in relaxing the pets that are prone to nervousness, stress, and anxiety.

The oil obtained from the Chamomile flower has gained acceptance in treating pets. Chamomile has been effective in treating stress in pets. It has proved to be useful during mental and emotional stress. It can calm the mind of the pet if it is recovering from abuse or ill-treatment. It can also relax the pet if it shows nervousness, panic, or if it is just being overactive. It can also help in teething problems, cramps, and muscle pain. Chamomile is most effective against skin rashes and irritation. It can help induce sleep in pets too. Chamomile has a calming effect on parrots, particularly while their feathers are being plucked. The water tray can be replaced with chamomile tea for parrots. Diffusing chamomile oil where the pets live can calm them.

Sweet Marjoram
This oil helps soothe nerves and helps pets relax. It can also relieve symptoms of anxiety and it is normally recommended for pets that are hyperactive and edgy. Marjoram is also recommended for stomach-related issues in pets to relieve them of indigestion, cramps, and gas. It can also be used to treat pets if they have infections in the throat. You can add herbs or pills to their food to have an effect, but never feed the oil directly. You can also use the herbs, better still the sweet marjoram oil in the diffuser and give direct benefits of the essential oil as they breathe in the vapors.

Cedarwood Oil
Made from the needles, leaves, berries, and the bark of Cedar trees, this oil has shown direct benefits of protecting pets from insect bites. Cedarwood oil also acts as a remedy in case of a skin infection. It boosts immunity and helps pets to feel calm and gives them a feeling of security.

If you want to use essential oils for your pets, but are not convinced yet, you can do your research, talk to your vet and other pet parents before making a decision. If you are still not convinced, it’s best to decide on personal and first-hand experiences from those who have used essential oils for their pets.