Everything You Need To Know About Depression

Everything You Need To Know About Depression

At the dawn of the 21st century, the world saw advancement in technology and major changes in lifestyle and career opportunities. Somewhere during this transition, the new way of life led to several health issues, hampering the routine life amongst people of different age groups. Among them, depression is ruling the charts and has severe consequences on the mind and body, endangering millions of lives. It’s important to catch the early warning signs of depression to reverse its effects and induce recovery. What is depression? Let’s put it straight; depression is not sadness. Everyone feels sad at several points in their life. Sadness is temporary and, with time it passes away. However, constantly feeling let down, persistent loss of interest or pleasure in life, not wanting to do anything that was once enjoyable and other similar signs that linger for weeks, months or years are signs of depression. Depression is a major public health problem affecting many people in the country. It’s a very common mental health disorder characterized by persistent low mood and loss of interest in activities that cause significant impairment in daily life. The good news is, it can be treated by a medical professional that requires a medical diagnosis.
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8 Symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

8 Symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

The following are eight early warning signs of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) that you should know about: You have bruises but you don’t remember getting hurt. You might notice that you have bruises when you wake up. You might experience bruising even though you didn’t hurt yourself. It is a cause of concern as bruises on your legs and arms and can be one of the early signs of ITP. The bruises caused by ITP are called purpura. You can notice hematomas, which are small bumps that appear under your skin. These can be a sign of ITP and you should get it checked by a doctor. Hematomas are types of bruises that occur when you are moderately injured. They are made of blood that has clotted and has come together in your skin’s deep tissues. Females can experience periods that are heavier than usual. ITP can be responsible if you notice that you are bleeding heavily more frequently every month during your periods. ITP causes low platelet counts which is responsible for heavy bleeding in women. Note that if you have heavy bleeding occasionally then it might not be due to ITP. You have petechiae, which are when you have tiny red bumps on your skin.
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A Comprehensive Look at the Early Warning Signs of Peptic Ulcers

A Comprehensive Look at the Early Warning Signs of Peptic Ulcers

Having a peptic ulcer can be a painful experience; it can cause physical and emotional exhaustion. It can play havoc with your overall health and cause disturbances in your life. Several symptoms signal the possibility of stomach ulcers, especially if they last for over a week. There are some early warning signs of peptic ulcers you need to notice for timely treatment and to take preventive measures. You will experience several gastrointestinal issues including nausea and excessive gas because of stomach ulcers. All the warning signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers are directly related to various complications resulting from this health issue. Complications of peptic ulcers Bleeding Bleeding is one of the most common complications of stomach ulcers. It can be very slow and subtle that you bearly notice it. However, once you develop anemia due to the constant loss of blood, complications begin to rise. Dark and tarry stools indicate bleeding, and it can erode the blood vessels and cause significant loss of blood. It then becomes life-threatening. Perforation A peptic ulcer can wear off the protective lining of the stomach or the small intestine. It creates a hole, and gastrointestinal fluids start leaking into the body. It results in severe abdominal pain and requires immediate medical treatment.
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Important Gum Care Tips For Better Oral Health

Important Gum Care Tips For Better Oral Health

Taking care of your gums is crucial if you wish to enjoy good oral health. People tend to think that gums will stay healthy without much effort and they devote more time to their teeth; but, the truth is that unhealthy gums will affect your overall physical health if you are not careful. When plaque is not regularly removed, it is bound to release toxins that cause irritations and inflammation of gums, leading to gingivitis. When this condition is left untreated, it may develop into periodontal disease. This refers to a low-grade gum infection that slowly destroys gums around your teeth. Gum care tips for better oral health You must remember to brush your teeth every night before retiring to bed. Doing this helps to eliminate the plaque and germs that have built up throughout the day. Not only must your brush twice a day, but you must also take time to brush your teeth. The brush needs to be used in gentle and circular motions to completely remove the plaque. Plaque build-up tends to harden and leads to gingivitis or early gum disease. It is equally important to take care of the tongue and ensure that there is no plaque build-up here as well, as this will trigger a foul odor.
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Main Local Treatments For Ovarian Cancer

Main Local Treatments For Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer refers to cancer in the ovaries, which form a key part of the women’s reproductive system. This type of cancer often stays undetected until it spreads into the abdomen and pelvic regions. Once cancer spreads here, treating it becomes a challenge. So, when cancer is detected early, it is possible to have a successful treatment. The most common and main treatments for ovarian cancer are discussed herein. Main local treatments for ovarian cancer When treating ovarian cancer, one needs to know about different kinds of treatment options, including localized treatments, systemic treatments with chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy. The main treatments for ovarian cancer locally are surgery and radiation therapy. Surgery Surgery is looked upon as the best possible solution for treating this condition, but how much of it is right will depend on the extent to which cancer has spread, and overall health conditions. For instance, for women of the childbearing age with tumors that have been detected early, treating the disease is possible since it is at an early stage, and neither ovaries nor the uterus needs to be removed. When one is suffering from epithelial ovarian cancer, they will need to undergo surgery for staging and debulking.
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Basic Facts to Know about Anemia

Basic Facts to Know about Anemia

Anemia is a disorder of the blood. It is commonly believed that anemia is related to iron deficiency. However, there are many types of anemia. The article on the main types of anemia explains the basic facts related to the different types of anemia, to understand more about them. What is anemia? Anemia is essentially is a disorder of the blood where there are insufficient red blood cells. This prevents adequate oxygen supply to the tissues causing fatigue. Different types of anemia occur due to specific reasons. They are linked to different diseases. While most forms of anemia can be easily treated, there are forms of anemia that can be dangerous. Anemia is related to the hemoglobin count or RBC count. In women, the normal level of hemoglobin is 12 grams per 100ml. For men, it is 13.5 grams per 100ml. Those who have a lesser hemoglobin level would be diagnosed as anemic. Types of anemia The main types of anemia are classified based on many factors like the cause. The main types of anemia are as follows: Iron deficiency anemia This is the most common type of anemia. This happens when the body does not have sufficient iron in the body.
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10 Natural Remedies for Eye Infections

10 Natural Remedies for Eye Infections

Eye infections such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, and endophthalmitis can be quite painful and also mentally exhausting, as they limit the way one goes about their daily life. Some of these infections if left untreated may develop into serious threats. Luckily for us, aside from medications, there are many home remedies or natural treatments for such eye infections that can help alleviate the symptoms. Such home remedies may be able to treat quite a few of the main types of eye infections, but you should always consult a doctor to make sure these are safe and do not end up causing more harm than good for your vision. So, before using any natural cure, it is imperative to consult a professional as the condition can be more serious than you think. 10 natural remedies for eye infections Saline water or saltwater can be one of the best home remedies for any eye infection as it is similar to teardrops in nature and can naturally cleanse the eye. Salt has antimicrobial properties and is capable of offering effective treatment for infections. Teabags can be placed on the eyes when they are shut for relaxing them. This is a popular home remedy for eye infections as some tea bags also have anti-inflammatory properties.
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Everything You Need To Know About Peptic Ulcers

Everything You Need To Know About Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers affect a large portion of people all over the world. They are considered one of the main types of ulcers and there are three types of peptic ulcers — esophageal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. Here is everything you need to know about peptic ulcers. Symptoms of peptic ulcers There are various symptoms of peptic ulcers. These are as follows: You feel a burning pain in the abdomen, which might cause you trouble while sleeping You vomit without any reason and feel nauseated You notice changes in your appetite You experience indigestion even with simple foods You experience pain in your chest You notice dark or bloody stools You lose weight without any explanation Causes of peptic ulcers The causes of peptic ulcer are as follows. A peptic ulcer can be caused due to regular smoking Drinking excessive alcohol regularly leads to peptic ulcers Helicobacter pylori can lead to peptic ulcers Radiation therapy can lead to the formation of peptic ulcers Anti-inflammatory medicines can lead to peptic ulcers Stomach cancer is one of the causes of peptic ulcers Diagnosis of peptic ulcers A peptic ulcer is one of the main types of ulcers. Your doctor will test if you have H.
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Lyme Disease – Treatment And Prevention

Lyme Disease – Treatment And Prevention

Lyme disease is caused when a tick bites a person and transmits bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacteria is found in deer, mice, and birds. When a deer tick bites any of these animals, it would carry the bacteria. When it bites a human, it can lead to the disease. Herein, we provide important information on the treatment and prevention of Lyme disease. It can be used as a guide to understanding how to manage and prevent this disease transmitted through ticks. Treatment of Lyme disease The disease is not easy to diagnose since early symptoms are generic. The distinguishing symptom is the bull’s eye rash. In the early stages, anti-inflammatory medicines can be used to manage inflammation and pain. The main course of treatment is antibiotics. Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, and Doxycycline are the preferred antibiotics that are administered as tablets or capsules. A period of 10 to 14 days of treatment through antibiotics is needed to get rid of the infection completely. In its advanced stage, Lyme disease can enter the central nervous system. Then antibiotics have to given through intravenous mode. It may be required for 2 to 3 weeks to completely clear the infection. Some people develop chronic Lyme disease where symptoms like muscle ache last for many months.
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Sleep Apnea – Diagnosis And Treatment Methods

Sleep Apnea – Diagnosis And Treatment Methods

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects individuals of different age groups. If left untreated, it could also lead to other serious health hazards. Individuals suffering from sleep apnea often experience an interruption in breathing patterns while they are asleep, like breathing stopping and starting abruptly. If one is experiencing any signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, they need to consult a doctor immediately. If the condition is left untreated, it could lead to other life-threatening diseases and complications. Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea The symptoms of sleep apnea can differ for different age groups. Some of the common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are listed here: Loud snoring Gasping for breath during sleep Waking up with dry mouth and headaches Interrupted sleep or insomnia Feeling sleepy during the day (hypersomnia) Difficulty paying attention during the day and inability to remember things Feeling irritated and experiencing mood swings Diagnosis of sleep apnea Once the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea manifest, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The doctor will put the person through a sleep apnea test called polysomnogram to monitor certain physical activities during sleep. This test is analyzed by a sleep specialist to diagnose sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.
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