Understanding The Top Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Understanding The Top Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

As the research to evaluate the factors influencing prostate cancer deepens, newer and unknown aspects begin to surface. A majority of these factors are undergoing constant research regarding the degree to which they likely cause prostate cancer. Nevertheless, these factors have shown some chances that they contribute to prostate cancer. These are: Inflammation Some studies have claimed prostatitis as one of the top risk factors for prostate cancer. The inflammation of the prostate gland may cause prostate cancer, though no evidence is available yet. However, inflammation is seen in cancerous prostate tissue samples. Hence, there is a faint chance of inflammation leading to prostate cancer. Sexually transmitted diseases Gonorrhea and chlamydia may increase the risk of prostate cancer since they cause prostate inflammation. And many cancerous prostate tissue samples have inflammation. However, this factor is also open for research with nothing evident, as yet. Chemical exposure Firefighters and those working in industries that emit a lot of chemicals face a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. Another study claims that there is a link between prostate cancer and the chemical Agent Orange, a herbicide containing the deadly chemical dioxin. It’s prepared using plant-killing chemicals. Breathing in Agent Orange or ingesting it through contaminated food and drinks or absorption through skin and eyes — all contribute to the likelihood of prostate cancer.
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Natural Treatment Options For ADHD

Natural Treatment Options For ADHD

The treatment options for ADHD help people deal with symptoms rather than curing them completely. ADHD can be complicated but the best treatment is when your symptoms are considered and a treatment plan is created accordingly. While medicines and therapies are some of the popular treatment options for people with ADHD, there are some natural home remedies that you can try for dealing with ADHD symptoms. Here are some of them: You should write things down so that you don’t forget to do your tasks. For example, using a planner will help you stay on top of things. Similarly, you can list down what needs to be done regularly and you can set priorities. You should get organized and ensure that you are organizing everything as you are doing things. Getting in the habit of organizing will help you feel good. You should make an effort to organize your documents, your room, and other aspects of your life. You can spend time outside in nature. A natural environment can help improve your focus levels and can help relieve ADHD symptoms. Try and go outside in nature for at least half an hour every day. Focus on your sleep because it can have a positive impact on your symptoms.
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Ways To Treat Alcohol And Substance Abuse

Ways To Treat Alcohol And Substance Abuse

There are numerous treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. The type of treatment you receive will depend on your addiction level and your requirements. The ultimate goal of treatment is to ensure your quality of life improves by ensuring you don’t depend on alcohol and substance anymore. There is no cure for substance abuse but the treatment options include making sure that you don’t consume it anymore and you don’t get back to using them in the future. The treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse can overlap, but usually, there are separate ways in which they are dealt with. Detoxification is the first of many treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. It is also known as withdrawal therapy. The goal is to ensure you stop taking alcohol and substance safely and quickly. This is managed by a medical team and can take about a week but varies from person to person. It might be done in an inpatient center or an outpatient center. Sometimes, it is safer for people to opt for outpatient centers. Otherwise, you might need to be admitted to a hospital for alcohol and substance abuse detoxification. Detoxification is achieved by giving you medicines that ensure you don’t have withdrawal symptoms.
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An Overview of Treatment Options for Dyskinesia and Tremors

An Overview of Treatment Options for Dyskinesia and Tremors

Dyskinesia refers to involuntary movements that one fails to control. This movement can affect any one body part like an arm or the entire body. It’s helpful to know treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors because these can sometimes be associated with acute pain, so much so that you are unable to perform regular activities. Usually, dyskinesia is noticeable in people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The main reason for this is side-effects of levodopa treatment. Treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors The treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors will not be the same for everyone, because there are differences in severity of symptoms, age, duration for which the patient has been undergoing levodopa treatment, length of time that has elapsed since Parkinson’s was detected etc. One of the most effective ways to treat this condition is to adjust the levodopa dosage so that dopamine levels in your brain do not fluctuate. You can consider taking levodopa via extended-release formulations or through continuous infusion. It may help to take levodopa in small doses but for multiple times. You can consume levodopa half-an-hour before eating in order to make sure that the proteins in your food do not hamper its absorption. Doing regular exercises like swimming or walking, according to what your doctor has recommended for you, is a good way to control this condition.
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Treatments Methods For Different Types Of SMA

Treatments Methods For Different Types Of SMA

Spinal muscle atrophy refers to a set of genetic disorders that prevent a person from normally controlling his muscle movements. This happens when nerve cells diminish in the spinal cord and the brain. So, the condition is essentially a motor neuron disease and a neurological condition. It causes severe muscle weakness and wasting, making it very hard for the patient to move around or control his head movements. While the treatment options for spinal muscle atrophy will not be able to eradicate the disease altogether, there are some new therapies and medicines that are capable of slowing down its progress. Different types of treatment options for spinal muscle atrophy There can be various types of spinal muscle atrophy and these variations are because of symptoms and ways in which they can affect one’s quality of life and life expectancy. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders there are 4 main types: SMA Type 1 will affect physical functions but not intellectual functions. It is a serious condition appearing in children below the age of 6 months. Common symptoms are muscle twitching and weakness, feeding difficulty, inability to move legs and arms, spinal curvature, among others. SMA Type 2 symptoms appear between 6-18 months and while a child can sit with this condition, he is usually unable to walk or stand up.
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Treatments for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Treatments for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (or HSDD) causes a dip in the sexual drive of females often in perimenopause or postmenopause. HSDD is often difficult to diagnose since it may be considered a natural effect of aging. However, unlike normal dips in libido as we age, HSDD typically persists for a duration of 12-months or longer with no change. Your doctor will be the best person to help you figure out which treatment is best for HSDD. The cause of HSDD determines the right course of treatment just like with other medical disorders. The following are all the treatment options that are used when your doctor diagnoses HSDD: 1. Medicines Some medicines can decrease your sex drive. Your doctor will ask you which medicines you are taking, and if they are causing a lower sex drive he might prescribe others with little side effects. Medicines are helpful in the treatment of HSDD and one example is Addyi or flibanserin. This has been FDA-approved. It helps increase your sex drive. However, there are many side effects associated with this medicine such as dizziness and hypotension. It might not be safe for some women to take this medicine. 2. Counseling One of the treatments for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is counseling.
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Food Allergies and Common Trigger Foods

Food Allergies and Common Trigger Foods

Food allergies and common trigger foods An allergy is the immune system’s faulty response to a substance or a food item that is generally considered harmless. When one becomes hypersensitive to a substance, it triggers allergic reactions. Among all types of allergies, food allergies are the most common, not only in children but also among adults. Here, we’ll specifically discuss food allergies and the specific foods that cause them. Food allergy This type of allergy is developed when some foods trigger an abnormal immune response. The immune system can sometimes recognize good proteins and harmless food as harmful, which instructs the body to produce antibodies and chemicals that cause inflammation. The symptoms commonly include: Swelling of the tongue or the mouth or face Difficulty breathing or swallowing Low blood pressure Nausea and diarrhea Itchy rashes Food intolerance, on the other hand, is not the same as food allergy. Food tolerance has nothing to do with the immune system and can impact daily life but is not life-threatening. Food allergies usually last a lifetime, but they can be managed with lifestyle changes and the right medication. The following are the main triggers for these types of allergies: Cow’s milk This allergy is very common among babies and children and is pretty severe.
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Early Warning Signs of UTI in Older Adults

Early Warning Signs of UTI in Older Adults

The risk of developing a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) increases with age. It is common in older adults and can also prove to be life-threatening if not treated in time. The early warning signs, however, are usually not as common, which can make diagnosis difficult. Older adults also tend to experience more uncommon and severe symptoms than children and youngsters. You should be aware of the various early warning signs of UTI to ensure treatment at the earliest. What are the common early warning signs of UTI in older adults? They might experience the urge to urinate frequently They experience pain or burning when they urinate. They may experience chills. They may have a fever. They may notice unusually foul-smelling urine. They may experience pain in the pelvic area. What are the not-so-common early warning signs of UTI in older adults? They may not feel as hungry as usual. They may feel pressure in the lower abdominal area. They are unable to balance themselves or move properly. They feel more lethargic than usual. They may experience vomiting or nausea. They are unable to retain their urine. They may notice blood in their urine. They show symptoms of agitation and irritation.
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The Most Common Menopause Symptoms

The Most Common Menopause Symptoms

As a woman ages, they will go through menopause, a natural life transition that results from the cessation of the menstrual cycle for a period of 12-months. Perimenopause is the duration prior to full menopause when the ovaries start to gradually produce less estrogen. Perimenopause can begin as early as 40- to 50-years old, and it may last until full menopause, which may take a few months to 10-years to arrive. The symptoms of menopause will vary with each woman, and could be short term or last for a prolonged number of years: 1. Hot flashes This is one of the most common symptoms of menopause, and could start four years before the actual menstrual cycle stops. Hot flashes can occur day or night. Nighttime hot flashes are better known as night sweats or flushing. If these symptoms become severe and drastically interfere with sleep, hormone replacement therapy may be advised. 2. Irregular periods Changes in menstruation is a common symptom for perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. These changes could include unusually heavy menstrual cycles, or light bleeding during the cycle. The changes could last past the onset of menopause, and into the years of postmenopause. Hormone therapy is often used to regulate menstruation during this time for women under the age of 60.
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Preventing GERD and Acid Reflux in Babies and Infants

Preventing GERD and Acid Reflux in Babies and Infants

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD), also known as acid reflux, is a condition that causes stomach acid to back up into the esophagus. Although the condition is commonly associated with adults, it turns out infants and even babies can also develop acid reflux due to various factors. There are signs of GERD baby symptoms that a parent can look out for, including constant spit up especially after feeding, vomiting, irritability, and choking or wheezing. A baby may also seem unwilling to eat with GERD, but may experience unexplainable weight gain (due to bloating and gas). Once the condition is determined and diagnosed by a pediatrician, certain proven methods can be used to provide acid reflux infants and babies with some relief: 1. Frequent feedings If your baby has acid reflux it might be necessary to feed them smaller amounts of formula at more intervals per day. One of the main reasons a child will spit up or vomit is because their stomach is too full, so cutting down on the amount of each feeding more times per day will help the baby to get the nourishment they need with less discomfort. Another tip is if you are using a baby bottle check the nipple to ensure the hole isn’t too large so that the milk isn’t coming out too quickly.
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