Know All About The Different Stages Of Colon Cancer

Know All About The Different Stages Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer happens when cells in the colon start growing abnormally and turn cancerous. This is curable if it is treated at an early stage. This article talks about how colon cancer stages are determined. This will help in understanding the stages and treatment for colon cancer. Importance of staging Cancer is a progressive disease. It can start as a small lump of cells and can gradually or suddenly start growing. To know how to treat cancer, it is important to understand the stages and treatment for colon cancer for a particular stage. TNM staging Cancer stages are decided using the TNM system. This is used by the doctor to decide at what stage the cancer is in. T stands for the primary tumor. It refers to the size of the tumor and whether it is restricted to the wall of the colon where it started or has spread to other areas. N for lymph nodes. It refers to whether the lymph nodes that nearby the colon have turned cancerous due to the spreading of the cancer. M stands for metastases. It refers to whether the cancer has spread from the colon and reaches other body parts like the liver, or lungs.
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An Overview of the Symptoms and Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

An Overview of the Symptoms and Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a form of high blood pressure that occurs rarely. When it comes to the symptoms and causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension, this article will help you understand more about this disease. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease where the arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart develop high blood pressure. The constriction of the arteries makes it difficult to pump blood causing blood pressure to increase. The symptoms and causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension need to be known so one can understand more about this disease and get treated when early symptoms develop. Causes of PAH: An overview The pulmonary arteries are those that supply blood from the heart to the lungs. These arteries are tiny and if they become blocked, they make the supply of blood difficult. The constriction or blockage of these arteries puts pressure on the heart to pump blood. This increases the blood pressure within the pulmonary arteries. There could be various reasons why PAH occurs. These include: Heart disease that puts pressure on the pulmonary arteries Inflammation or lung disease because of which there is low blood oxygen level in the lungs, causing the blood vessels to constrict Blockage of the blood vessels due to a parasitic infection (schistosomiasis) Other conditions like a liver transplant can cause constriction of the pulmonary arteries Based on the specific causes of PAH, which depend on the disease or cause of the artery blockage, there are five groups of PAH classified as Group I to V.
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The Process Of Diagnosing And Treating Hemophilia

The Process Of Diagnosing And Treating Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which the ability of the blood to clot is severely affected, causing excessive blood loss during minor injuries, surgeries, etc. If internal bleeding occurs, the situation could become critical really quickly, since it becomes harder to detect and staunch the blood flow. Symptoms of hemophilia such as dark bruises and swollen joints must be checked immediately so that in case the disorder is diagnosed, a proper treatment plan can be charted out. Diagnosis If a family has a history of hemophilia, it’s possible to get the fetus checked before birth. Check with your doctor and choose the best and safest option for testing for you and your baby, so there are no adverse effects. In adults and children, a blood test can help determine if they are affected by hemophilia. Depending on the severity of the disorder, it’s symptoms may occur at different stages. Severe forms of the disorder are generally diagnosed very early in life as it mostly shows up within one year of birth. Milder cases may only make an appearance later on in life. Mild hemophilia is only generally determined when a surgical procedure involves excessive bleeding. Treatment Treatment for the symptoms of hemophilia depends on a lot of things like your age, the severity of the condition, and personal needs.
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Symptoms And Diagnosis For The Different Stages Of Multiple Myeloma

Symptoms And Diagnosis For The Different Stages Of Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a condition where the growth of plasma cells multiplies more than the normal count. The overgrowth of plasma cells reduces the production of healthy blood cells. The role of plasma or white blood cells is to strengthen our immune system which protects our body from infections. The overproduction of the plasma cells leads to the formation of myeloma cells. These cells produce abnormal proteins that affect the normal process of the immune system and leads to severe complications. Symptoms for the different stages of multiple myeloma Symptoms for multiple myeloma are very rare and hard to determine at the early stages. Some of the common symptoms for the different stages of multiple myeloma are: Bone pain in the spine or chest area Feeling tired Lack of appetite Sudden weight loss Vomiting and nausea Fatigue Feeling disoriented and sudden mood swings Constipation Feeling weak along with numb legs Frequent infections Feeling thirsty all the time Diagnosis for the different stages of multiple myeloma Most often multiple myeloma is diagnosed through a blood test during regular checkups. Sometimes doctors may suspect multiple myeloma depending on the symptoms of it. Patients are advised to undergo certain tests to diagnose the problem and to check the different stages of multiple myeloma.
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An Overview of the Different Types of B-cell lymphoma

An Overview of the Different Types of B-cell lymphoma

Lymphoma is one of the types of cancer that starts in the immune system cells, which are the lymphocytes. In lymphoma, there are two types: Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s. When we look at non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, there are two types: T-cell and B-cell lymphoma. Herein, we explain what this form of cancer is and gives an overview of the different types of B-cell lymphoma. Around 85% of people suffering from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma would have one of the different types of B-cell lymphoma. In this form of cancer, the body produces too many B-cells. These cells are not capable of fighting infection and spread fast throughout the body. What happens when one has this disease? When one has this disease, they are likely to experience symptoms like swelling in the lymph nodes of the neck, armpits and groin, abdominal swelling, night sweats, coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever, fatigue, and rapid weight loss that is unexplained. The problem with this disease is that it weakens the immune system. As a result, the patient is susceptible to get infections very fast. It can lead to cancers in other parts of the body. When it is indolent, it does not pose a problem. When it becomes aggressive, it needs to be treated to prevent it from spreading.
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Causes and Risk Factors of Different Types of Skin Cancer

Causes and Risk Factors of Different Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is caused when cancer cells grow rapidly in the skin. The different types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. These are the three major types and have several causes and risk factors associated with it. Causes and risk factors of skin cancer When the cells in the skin divide into uncontrollable numbers skin cancer is caused. The most common cause of skin cancer is frequent exposure to UV light in sunlight. The exposure to UV lights from tanning beds is another reason for the cause of skin cancer. Though there are different types of skin cancer, most of them are associated with similar risk factors. Some of the common risk factors for the different types of skin cancer are as follows. Frequent exposure to Sunlight People who are exposed to the UV light from the sun are at higher risk. Individuals who do not protect their skin with sunscreen or proper clothing are at higher risk in particular. Frequent exposure to sunlight in winter can also be a risk factor. Using tanning beds and lamps for artificial tanning increases the risk of skin cancer. Untreated sunburns Severe sunburns caused during childhood and left untreated could increase the chances of cultivating skin cancer.
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Side Effects Of Cancer Treatment During Chemotherapy

Side Effects Of Cancer Treatment During Chemotherapy

One of the primary treatments for most types of cancer is chemotherapy. As it involves the use of medications for treatment, the chances of side effects are high. The main side effects of cancer treatment due to chemotherapy are listed in this article. Chemotherapy One of the primary treatments for cancer is chemotherapy. This involves the use of chemicals or medications for treatments. The medications are generally strong and cause side effects. Chemotherapy does not target only cancer cells, it can even target other cells leading to side effects. Since this is the principal method of treatment, a majority of cancer patients are likely to experience one or more side effects when they undergo chemo. Weakened immunity One of the main side effects of cancer treatment is a weakened immune system. The immune cells are likely to be destroyed during chemo. This can weaken the immune system. As a result, the patient is susceptible to infections and can fall ill frequently. Taking proper care to prevent infections, eating a balanced diet, and using dietary supplements can be helpful. Easy bruising Chemo can reduce the platelet count. Since it is the platelets that help in clotting, bleeding and bruising can happen easily.
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Treatments For The Main Stages Of Colon Cancer

Treatments For The Main Stages Of Colon Cancer

Treatments for the main stages of colon cancer will depend mainly on how far cancer has progressed. When cancer has not spread aggressively, surgery is the preferred mode of treatment and chemotherapy may be performed afterward as part of the adjuvant treatment. Different options to treat the main stages of colon cancer: Stage 0 At this stage, cancer has not moved beyond the colon’s inner lining, and therefore surgery may work successfully to get rid of the cancer cells. The polyp is typically removed through a local excision or colonoscope. When the tumor is large, a partial colectomy may be needed where a section of the colon may have to be taken out. Stage 1 In this stage, cancerous tumors have spread beyond the inner lining to the deeper layers and the inner walls of the colon. But cancer has not yet penetrated to the outer walls or gone outside the colon. Surgery is usually the best mode of treatment for removing cancerous cells. Additional treatments are usually not necessary. Stage 2 Most of the time, at this stage, the cancer cells penetrate the colon walls and move into the nearby tissues without having affected the lymph nodes. Surgery is done for removing the parts containing cancerous cells through partial colectomy.
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Diagnosis and Treatment Methods for Leukemia

Diagnosis and Treatment Methods for Leukemia

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that affects white blood cells, which play a vital role in strengthening our immune system by fighting against infection-causing bacterias. When these cells are infected by cancer, they start to multiply in large numbers and overcrowd the healthy cells, making the immune system weak. Once the symptoms of this condition are noticed, the doctor puts the patient through a series of tests to diagnose the type of leukemia and stage. Diagnosis for leukemia The presence of cancer cells is confirmed after the diagnosis, and only then can doctors proceed with treatment methods. If a patient is suffering from chronic leukemia, it will show up in the results of a regular blood checkup even before the symptoms are evident. Once this happens, the doctor will put one through the following tests: Physical exam: A physical examination of the patient’s body is done to check for any physical signs of cancer that may be present. Some of the signs that doctors look for during the physical exam are swelling of lymph nodes, swelling in the liver or spleen area, and for pale skin, which is a sign of anemia. Blood tests: A blood test is done to check the levels of white, red blood cells and platelets.
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How To Manage Gout

How To Manage Gout

A condition characterized by intense swelling and pain in your joints and bones is called arthritis. High levels of uric acid in your blood can contribute to an arthritic condition called gout. The acid causes sudden and severe episodes of inflammation, pain, redness, and warmth in your joints due to the needle-like crystals formed by the acid in your joints. You cannot completely eliminate the occurrence of gout by your diet but you can certainly control most of the symptoms and pain. Being overweight and losing weight increases and decreases the probability, respectively, of developing gout. Here are ways to manage arthritis pain through food. Goals of gout diet To achieve and maintain a healthy weight along with good eating habits Avoid most food with purines Include food that can maintain uric acid levels Foods to consume Vegetables A diet comprising of a lot of vegetables can never go wrong. It is extremely beneficial to a patient with gout. Contrary to popular belief that vegetables aren’t good for people who have gout, due to purine content, it has been found that there is no correlation between gout risk and intake of these vegetables. Cherries In 2010, a small study proved that people who take two tablespoons of concentrated cherry juice for a few months reported an experience in which gout attacks reduced by over 50%.
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